
Angelica Donati’s interview on “L’Identità” on the Italian political scenario

article by RITA CAVALLARO on L'Idendità, October 21st, 2022. At the dawn of Giorgia Meloni's office in government, the banners are raised from the world of women. Not on the wave of a political ideology, [...]

Angelica Donati to Class CNBC on the energy crisis and the future of the construction sector

"The slowing down or blocking of construction sites is a real risk that would endanger the implementation of the NRP. We cannot afford this. The next government will have to guarantee certain timeframes for works [...]

23 September 2022|Construction & Real Estate|

“The future is now”, Angelica Donati the 30th Forum of Scenari Immobiliari

"A sustainable future is above all an innovative future. We have to embrace a long-term vision, based on a transversal integration of data and intentions, because this is the primary condition for creating smart-cities and [...]

23 September 2022|Construction & Real Estate|

Angelica Donati on RaiNews – Giovani Imprenditori Confindustria

Angelica Donati spoke to Rai News at the Giovani Confindustria Conference in Rapallo "PaesEuropa", to discuss the future of the construction sector. "Businesses need to be able to plan and schedule their investments over the [...]

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