New Bridge In Genoa Opens To Traffic Two Years After Deadly Collapse

A gleaming new bridge in Genoa built after the deadly collapse of a viaduct opened Tuesday, but critics say not enough has been done since the 2018 disaster to overhaul Italy's crumbling infrastructure. The Morandi's speedy demolition and replacement has been hailed by many as an example of what Italy could be, should it scrap [...]

Angelica Donati’s interview with Agorà – Rai 2 on Brexit

Brexit has introduced a radical change in the European scenario, but it is a choice that weakens and does not reinforce on the political and economic point of view. To compete in the global scenario requires unity and cohesion. Angelica Donati discussed it at Agorà, the Rai 2 (Italian national broadcast) TV program hosted by [...]

2020-02-28T14:35:32+00:001 February 2020|As seen in|0 Comments
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