Angelica Donati’s speech at the XXIV ANCE Giovani National Conference: ‘The last four years have been marked by a continuous challenge and complex situations. During this period, the Italian production system and our sector have adapted and changed their skin. We have had to be resilient and creative, to find immediate and concrete answers, and we have learnt how the emergency will be a feature of the years to come. The time has come to take clear, visionary decisions. We must act boldly.

Our companies are investing in themselves and their future. Innovation and sustainability are key elements for successfully meeting the challenges of the future.

However, we come up against facts that will have very negative repercussions for the sector if they are not addressed soon. These include the lengthening of payment times to companies and the failure to extend the Aid Decree. We do not have a single law and the current regulations often hinder urban regeneration initiatives. But that’s not all: the new Procurement Code, for example, was designed as a simplification compared to the 2016 one, but due to the corrective measures that have just been dismissed, it risks becoming a brake. Our request is simple: a clear regulatory framework that allows us to grow in a healthy way and work efficiently, not get bogged down in red tape. This is the case with affordable housing, the concept of which is gaining increasing attention in order to meet the housing needs of a wider segment of the population than traditional social housing.
We entrepreneurs, we young people, are the driving force for change, and we will continue to commit ourselves and play our part. In order to truly build an Italy that lives up to our dreams, we need the commitment of each and every one of us: we must work together, institutions, businesses and professionals, joining our forces and our visions to transform the challenges we face into concrete opportunities. With one common goal: to deliver a stronger, more modern and liveable country to future generations’.
At the conference, we discussed ‘who we will be’ and ‘where we will live’, key issues for the future of the country and the construction sector, together with experts and representatives of institutions, companies and the academic world.
The study ‘The path of construction companies towards economic and financial sustainability’, presented by Piero Petrucco, vice-president of ANCE, offered concrete ideas for a more resilient and sustainable approach.
Among the guests at the conference were Paolo Boccardelli, Rector of LUISS, Claudia Cattani, President of BNL BNP Paribas, Gianpiero Strisciuglio, CEO of RFI, Carlo Lamari, Head of Infrastructure at CDP, Stefano Buono, Founder of Newcleo, Benedetta Bonifati, Vice-President of ANCE Roma, Davide Albertini Petroni, President of Assoimmobiliare, Antonio Maria Tambato, Innovation Director of the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), and Guido Castelli, Extraordinary Commissioner for Repair and Reconstruction of the 2016 Earthquake, with conclusions by our ANCE President Federica Brancaccio.
Thanks to the Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, who with his speech offered us a clear institutional vision and perspective on the sector. Thanks to Roberto Arditti who moderated and guided the debate. The conference reaffirmed the centrality of young entrepreneurs as the engine of innovation for a sector in continuous transformation.